Tristan E. Bickman, MD
Santa Monica | obgyn

Icon Laser

OB-GYN located in Santa Monica, CA

Icon Laser

About Icon Laser

If you’re tired of aging or imperfect skin, turn to women’s health specialist Tristan E. Bickman, MD. At her practice in Santa Monica, California, she uses cutting-edge Icon™ laser technology to help you achieve gorgeous skin and a younger appearance without downtime. Schedule an evaluation with Dr. Bickman by phone or request one online today to learn more. 

Icon Laser Q&A

What is Icon laser technology?

Icon lasers use advanced technology to emit laser energy into targeted tissues without damaging the surrounding cells. The treatment offers numerous cosmetic benefits without surgery or pain. The treatment is FDA-approved, safe, and highly effective for achieving long-term anti-aging results without a significant risk of complications.

Which advantages does the icon laser offer?

Icon laser treatments offer the following advantages:

  • Clearer skin
  • Reduced lines and wrinkles
  • Fewer age spots
  • Even-toned skin
  • Tighter and lifted skin
  • Younger-looking appearance
  • Reduced acne
  • Diminished stretch marks
  • Reduced facial or body hair
  • Skin revitalization
  • Reductions in visible veins
  • Reduced sun damage

Laser technology provides quick treatments using a light-based system to produce optimal results.

Is Icon laser treatment right for me?

To determine if Icon laser treatment is right for you, Dr. Bickman discusses your medical history, examines your skin, and reviews your aesthetic goals. She tailors an anti-aging treatment that’s best for your needs and may combine multiple cosmetic solutions to achieve superior results.

What happens during Icon laser treatment?

Laser treatment is gentle, noninvasive, and relaxing. Dr. Bickman cleans the area and numbs it to optimize comfort. While you wear glasses to protect your eyes, she uses a special device to deliver laser energy to specific tissues. 

The Icon laser offers advanced contact cooling and dual filters to maximize comfort. Dr. Bickman adjusts the treatment settings based on your skin type to make your experience relaxing and pain-free.

Each treatment lasts about 30 minutes, depending on the size of the treatment area. There’s no downtime afterward, so you can resume your daily routine immediately. 

What can I expect after Icon laser treatments?

After treatment with Icon laser technology, you may experience some redness, tenderness, or swelling. Fortunately, these side effects don’t last long. Over time, as new cells generate, you can expect younger-looking and beautiful skin with a healthy glow. 

A series of laser treatments often produces the best results. Dr. Bickman will let you know when to schedule your next treatment session. Call her office at any time should you have questions.

Schedule an Icon laser consultation with Tristan E. Bickman, MD, by phone or request one online today.