Tristan E. Bickman, MD
Santa Monica | obgyn

Emergency Obstetrics

OB-GYN located in Santa Monica, CA

Emergency Obstetrics

About Emergency Obstetrics

If you experience unexpected complications during pregnancy, labor, or delivery, you need specialized care quickly. Experienced OB/GYN Tristan E. Bickman, MD, in Santa Monica, California, provides emergency obstetrics, including managing conditions like severe bleeding and preeclampsia and handling emergency C-sections. With his expertise, he makes quick, decisive decisions to navigate critical situations and ensure the best possible outcomes. To learn more, call the friendly office staff to book a consultation or use the convenient online scheduler to make an appointment.

Emergency Obstetrics Q&A

What is emergency obstetrics?

Emergency obstetrics involves the immediate medical care of pregnant women and their babies when unexpected complications arise during pregnancy, labor, or delivery. These emergencies can occur at any stage of pregnancy and require quick, specialized treatment to ensure the health and safety of the mother and baby. 

Obstetric emergencies often need rapid assessments and interventions, sometimes including emergency surgery or intensive monitoring.

What issues does emergency obstetrics address?

Dr. Bickman addresses a wide range of critical situations during an obstetrics emergency, such as:

  • Severe vaginal bleeding (e.g., placental abruption, placenta previa)
  • Preeclampsia and eclampsia, which involve dangerously high blood pressure
  • Preterm labor or premature rupture of membranes
  • Prolapsed umbilical cord, where the cord slips through the cervix before the baby
  • Breech or abnormal fetal presentation during labor
  • Shoulder dystocia, where the baby’s shoulder becomes lodged during delivery
  • Emergency C-sections for fetal distress or labor complications
  • Infections that could affect the mother or baby
  • Complications with multiples, such as twin-to-twin transfusion syndrome

No matter your obstetric concern, Dr. Bickman has the expertise and experience to diagnose your condition and provide effective treatment.

What should I do if I’m having an emergency obstetrics issue?

If you think you’re experiencing an obstetric emergency, call 911 or go to the nearest emergency room immediately. Signs of an emergency may include:

  • Severe abdominal pain
  • Heavy bleeding
  • Sudden and intense headaches
  • Vision changes
  • Reduced fetal movement
  • Labor symptoms before 37 weeks

If possible, notify Dr. Bickman when you’re en route to the hospital.

What can I expect during an obstetrics emergency?

During an obstetrics emergency, Dr. Bickman will assess your symptoms quickly and may order tests like an ultrasound or blood work. He’ll closely monitor your vital signs and your baby’s, starting treatment immediately if needed.

Depending on the situation, Dr. Bickman might administer medications, perform an emergency procedure, or deliver the baby. Throughout the process, Dr. Bickman’s medical team will prioritize your safety and provide clear information and support.

If you have questions or concerns about emergency obstetrics, call Dr. Bickman’s friendly office staff today to schedule a consultation, or book an appointment online. If you’re experiencing symptoms needing emergency care, call 911 immediately.